Escort77 Berlin

Prostitute Protection Act

Prostitute Protection Act

The Prostitute Protection Act 2017 came into effect on July 1, 2017.

What changes for you as a client:

  • Mandatory Condom Use:
    As a result:
  • Oral without protection
  • Full French (unprotected services)
  • These services are strictly prohibited. We are no longer allowed to advertise them, and the providers are not permitted to offer these services.
  • Please note: Fines of up to €50,000 may be imposed if you use such services. Avoid making yourself vulnerable to extortion by unreliable providers.

§ 32 Mandatory Condom Use; Advertising Ban

  1. Clients of prostitutes, as well as the prostitutes themselves, are required to ensure that condoms are used during sexual intercourse.
  2. Operators of prostitution businesses are obligated to display clear notices about the condom requirement in prostitution establishments, other regularly used prostitution premises, and prostitution vehicles.
  3. It is prohibited to promote, advertise, or publicly communicate opportunities for sexual services through printed materials, audio or video recordings, digital storage media, images, or representations, including:
  • Referring to the possibility of sexual intercourse without a condom, even indirectly or in veiled language.
  • In a manner that could harm public welfare, particularly youth protection, due to the form, content, or scope of the presentation or the medium used.
  • Referring to the possibility of sexual intercourse with pregnant women, even indirectly or in veiled language.

Public dissemination also includes public displays, posters, presentations, or any other means of public accessibility.